Dec 7, 2008

Walking Down The Times Square Lane.

Ok, I guess its pretty late for me to talk bout my lil trip to Berjaya Times Square, but I've got nothing better to blog today.

Anyway, last Saturday, me, and my 4 cousins went there. One of my cousins, wanted to go for the One In A Million audition. I've got nothing to do that day, so I followed.

So,we arrived there bout 10.30. Sent him to the audition,bla,bla,bla,bla,bla ( insert words here).

Anyway, it was still early and only a few shops were opened. So, I sit on a bench and uh,watch people. Yeap, I came all the way from Cheras to TS just to watch people.Bravo.

Actually, watching people is a delicate art of reading people. As my cousin,Aniq wisely stated, "You can learn alot bout people from the way he/she dress,walk and his body language."

For example, Human Lab Rat #1 was a Chinese male, 20 something and wearing a black singlet. He was hanging with his friends, a chick and a dude. Stylish, (heterosexually). But the way he walk,his shoulders down and walking slowly following his Scooby Gang from behind, plus he kept scratching his hair 100000 times too many shows that he probably wont be the "Confident Guy Of The Year". I'm probably wrong but well, you got the idea,right?

Some people will lash at me, saying its wrong to judge people like that. They are probably right, but to be frank,its fun. And to avoid me from feeling guilty to Aniq for judging his fellow homo sapien like that he try to look at his uh, test subject like watching an ant. Ok,that's too cruel but well, guilty feeling got no rhythm, so got to avoid it. Its gonna cramp my boogie-ness. Uh,just forget what I just said.


You know, each passing minutes on TS, I'm starting to hate that place. The place, the shops and all are great, and its fun to look around. But what spoils is are those darn Trend-Setter Wannabes. To sayI'm fashionable is like saying Bush is nice. But I still know the difference between ugly and NOT ugly.

There's an atom-size thin line between UNIQUE and UGLY. To be honest, I think most of the outfit of those Trend-Setters are in the latter group. Only a few of them can be classified as good-looking UNIQUE.

That day only, I saw like,uh a gazzilion (not exaggerating) dude wearing what I call,the Indie Hat. You know, the fedora like black hat. It's cool for some people to wear, but wellllllllllllll, some people are'nt the Chosen One and look ridiculous wearing it. For example, I went to the top floor to the cafeteria to eat. And I saw White Dude With Dreadlock and Jason Mraz Dude. The Jason Mraz Dude wear the same type of hat and good grief,I ( heterosexually) think its cool.

It's pretty sad to see most of those 'fashionable' ( high sarcasm) people are Malay. It's fine for them to wear what they like, but just dont go overboard. I can swear I saw a Malay dude, wearing bag with a cross on it. He COULD be a Christian and its okay, but seriously, its very unlikely.

Anyway, let's continue reading people. At 5 O'clock, I saw a group of people who passed the OIAM audition. Heh, fun time to watch people. A dude?Carrying guitar case? Messy curly hair? I'm betting he's a James Morrison-type of singer. Girl?Long hair? Fair face? Uh, Carrie Underwood anyone?

You know, watching people is kinda fun. You're not stalking them or planning to murder them or anything. We're just sharping our people-reading ability. Ever watch the Lipton's employee response advertisement thingie? You know, the one with the fat boss and the quite lady in the lif? That kind of situation requires this ability. To know what they thinking, what they want to hear and dont want to hear.

(long silence)

OK,OK. It is bad to judge people like that. But hey,its fun! Oh, and my cousin did'nt make it. Maybe he succeed next season.

Fifi out.

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