Jan 28, 2009

My Love

He's my everything. He came to my life at the perfect moment - when i needed someone to share my heart. And now i am happier than ever. We shared everything together. Can't wait for the next February to come. Cause we'll be celebrating our anniversary.

Even though there are some people who tried to ruin our relationship by texting him and ask for being her boyfriend - your mission failed miserably. Turned out, there were my friends. No. Scratch that. A friend wouldn't do such things. Whatever it is, I'm glad that she's now outta my life :)

I'm happy with him. I'm happy with my friends. They truly understands me. And wish the best for me. I'm so blessed to have them in my life. I would never ever wanna lose them. There were part of me. And i love them dearly.

Shakirien is the name given by his mother. Yeah, he used to be a player. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that he had changed. Deep down inside, I trust him with my whole life. And i'm extremely happy having him by my side. Don't care about what other people say, it's just you & me, and they can't see -how our heart are one. I love you. And i will always do. Cause forever is us, baby! :D Mwaahh :*


Aku tak tahu nak post ape :D

Tapi yang pasti,


Jan 24, 2009

Saya rindu dia.

Isnin, cepat datang.

I miss and love you baby !

Nak dia boleh?

Nak mamat ni boleh tak ?

Jan 23, 2009

The name of Mohamad Shakirien

He's the only one, who understands me,
He's the only one that i want by my side,
He makes me wanna be a happiest girl,
He's the best of me,
It's no one else but him, well at least for me.

Mwahh ! ;*


Baby, i know you will read my blog later.
So, I would like to take this small opportunity to tell you how much
i love you ;)

Do you still remember the first time we looked at each other's eyes ?
You had me with ur pretty eyes.
I admit i was scared last time,based on your background as a player.
But luckily ,
You are so loyal to me.
I'm your true loves right ;)
Thanks for believing in '
us' baby.
Even though sometimes we fought over a stupid things,
We're still holding on to each other
We had our ups && downs, sweet && sour but we face it together.

Baby, do you still remember our 1st date?
Hehe im shy with you ;p
I cherish every second when i'm with you b.

I'm glad that you're mine.
There's so many things that we had shared since this "
I am so blessed to have you in my life!

Forever is us babyyyy :)

Happy Anniversary !
I swear i love you.

Jan 10, 2009

Say no to Israel.

If you live in Malaysia, I'm pretty sure you watched yesterday's Blog with Mahathir. Anyway, he urged everyone to boycott Israel products as a sign of protest for their massacre of the Palestinian. And, I, Aini Farhana, gives my full support for the cause. So, yeah, no Mcd, no Coke, no Pepsi and no large value meal Big Mac and Oreo Mcflurry.

Damn, this gonna be hard.

But seriously though, unless a country willing to go to war with the Israel and faces their thousands of smart bombs, tanks, highly trained army, Mossad and humongous ego, then this is the only way to stop them.

OK,it's like this. War needs weapons, weapons need money, money needs economy and economics needs McDonald. So if we stop buying Big Mac, their economy suffers, which dry up their money well,which stops them from getting weapons and without weapons, the Zionist must stop being Hitler. See, it's as simple as that.

Look, if in average,each person spent uh, about 50 dollars a year on Mcd, Coke, Pepsi, Colgate, Starbucks and etc, and hypothetically, there's 100 millions people boycotting them, then the Zionist will lost ( 50 X 100 000 000) 5 000 000 000 dollars, which is a lot.

Remember,that's a hypothetical situation. If I'm not mistaken, there's about 4 billion dudes and chicks in this planet, so I'm pretty sure there will be a hell lot more than a 100 millions people willing to stop eating those delicious cheeseburgers.

The problem is, people must start NOW. Don't make stupid excuses like, "my doctor said Big Mac is important for my medication". Do it NOW.

We gotta stop those bastards.

Jan 3, 2009


Quotes from Wildchild
When she's a wildchild,"WELCOME TO MALIBU BIATCH!!!"
When she's changed,here's the spirit,


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